Thursday, December 23, 2010

Celebrating Christ's Birth!

Merry Christmas to all from:
(L to R) Abigail (12), John W. (17), Faith (18), Dad, Mom, 
Joshi (9), James (15), Melody (21) and Christy (24)

It is so easy to get caught up in the to-do lists of this season.  I know I am certainly not exempt.  Why can't we get things done in a timely manner?  Why must it always end in overwhelming cries for help?
The Lord tenderly reminded me what it is all about.  As I questioned why we cared to make goodies for our six neighbors, and even our small Fire and Police departments, He so gently reminded me that 

"Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these 
my brethren, ye have done it unto Me."*

I pondered what this meant.  Was all this going here and there, last minute shopping, caring for a sick daddy, and baking all day long really being done for the Lord?  I was filled with renewed energy as I thought on all that I had done and all that still needed to be done... it was all for Him.  Every little thing I did, including making cookies for our neighbors, was for Him.  And why did we put ourselves through such uncomfortable to-do lists once a year?  Why did we bother?

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."*

That is why!  Because a child - God's only Son - came to save a dying, dark world.  The least I could do for Him was to do what needed to be done... not for my gain or even my family's gain; but to bring honor and glory to Him and His Name... His Wonderful Name. 

*Matthew 25:40; Isaiah 9:6

Monday, December 6, 2010


Yesterday, as we were visiting after singing at a small country church, one of our friends there informed us of another family band's daughter's death.  We had just met the family this past March and got to talking with the daughter about writing.

To learn that she had been in a head-on collision which had ended in death for her, stunned me.  I spent the next few hours in a confused daze, wondering why the Lord had allowed it to happen.  She was the family's business manager, just like me.  She probably had so many plans for her life, and yet, now they were all for nothing.

Then my thoughts turned to my own life.  What if I got in a deadly car accident tomorrow and died?  Would all those plans and dreams that I have for my life mean anything anymore?

I sat there in silent communion with the Lord.  Why was I so shaken by this woman's death, when I hardly knew her?  It was then that the Lord reminded me of the passage in James chapter 4:

"Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil."

Just two days before I heard of this, I had prayed and asked the Lord to give me trials to go through in order to strengthen me and make me a better woman for Him.  Little did I know what I was asking for.

I know that Sarah is in a much better place than here on earth.  It is selfish of me to miss her, but I do.  I am learning, day by day, how fragile and how short life is.  Yet, it is not my life... it is His.

I resolved to not be so sure of myself in the future.  If it is His will that I go to nursing school, then I will go.  But if I die tomorrow, then I will live forever in eternity just praising and glorifying Him.  What else could be so fulfilling?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Making Memories In the Cold

Some of you may know it already, but we are still working on our huge home addition after three whole years.  It is almost ready for the cold, freezing days of Texas - but not all the way.  Our little 1930's cabin living room is the center of family activity and togetherness, even though we have a large approximately 2500 square-foot home now. :-D

Sometimes, it can get pretty aggravating not being able to keep warm all the time throughout the day. I've timed myself and found that I am finally able to work after an hour of getting myself warm enough!  Sound crazy?  I sometimes think that we were crazy for thinking we could do it all by ourselves.

But in so many ways, we have learned so many things.  We have learned how to live with sawdust on our dining room floor, or feel the freezing cold air seeping through a crack in the wall.  We have built a wall and then taken it down again because it wasn't done right.  We have rearranged our kitchen at least a dozen times, just because we're trying to figure out which design works best for us.  We have moved into our girls' room upstairs, only to move back down into the room we have reserved for any guests because it is too cold up there!

No, it sure isn't easy, but it has been quite memorable.  I am sure that the Lord has not allowed me to be married because I don't know Lowe's and Home Depot like the back of my hand yet!  I will certainly miss having tools laying around all over the place and the sound of my brother's hammer.

Cherish these uncomfortable times!  They may not be around for long, and even though we detest having to live with it, we will miss it.

"Where our Captain bids us go,
'Tis not ours to murmur, 'No.'
He that gives the sword and shield,
Chooses too the battle field
On which we are to fight the foe."*

*Anonymous, taken from Daily Strength for Daily Needs compiled by Mary W. Tileston